Статьи по Assembler


a compilable project. It is

; File: ServiceDX.asm
; Desc: Service of DirectX
; Note: 1.It is not a compilable project. It is only a sample!
; 2.It is not the English. It is Russian English!
; Copyright (c) 2001 Serge Vetroff (http://www.assembler.ru)
include @struct.inc
include windows.inc

include directx.inc
include settings.inc
include globals.inc
; Name: List_DX_Modes
; Desc: Listing of DirectX screen modes
; If DirectX is not available - returns FALSE
modes_buffer dd ?
modes_number dd ?
List_DX_Modes PROC
@<;Clear variables>,,
@<;Create list modes buffer>,,,,
@<;Create a DirectDraw object>,,,
@<;Enum modes>,,,,,,,,
@<;Incorrect Exit>,,,,
@<;OK, truncate modes buffer>,,,,,,,
@<;Release interface>,,,,,,,<@@:>,
List_DX_Modes ENDP
; Name: enum_modes_callback
; Desc: Enumeration of display modes for DirectDraw 1.0
;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
enum_modes_callback PROC USES esi edi ebx ecx lpDDSurfaceDesc,lpContext
@<;Check if buffer of modes is overloaded>,,,
@<;Test of flags of DDSURFACEDESC>,,,,,,
@<;Test of flags of DDSURFACEDESC.ddpfPixelFormat>,,,
;Copy current mode to modes buffer
@<;Inc the buffer ptr and counter>,,
@<;Exit from procedure>,,,,
enum_modes_callback ENDP
; Name: sort_the_modes
; Desc: Sort modes in the modes_buffer
;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sort_the_modes PROC
@<;edx-number of sorting positions>,,,,
@<;Next pass>,,,,,,,
@<;Next step in a pass>,,,
@<;Compare resolution>,,,,
@<;Compare depth>,,,
@<;Exchange positions>,,,,,,,
@<; It will be not the last pass>,
sort_the_modes ENDP
; Name: Set_Current_Mode
; Desc: Set the variable "current_mode" to the specified mode
;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Set_Current_Mode PROC USES esi swidth,sheight,sbpp
;The mode is not found
@<;The mode is found>,,
Set_Current_Mode ENDP
; Name: Destroy_Modes_List
; Desc: Releases memory for list of modes
Destroy_Modes_List PROC
Destroy_Modes_List ENDP
; Name: Get_DX_Device_Mode_Txt
; Desc: Returns pointer to the buffer with mode in text impression ("800 x 600 x 16",0)
; If mode_num is more than number of modes returns 0.
Get_DX_Device_Mode_Txt PROC USES esi edi mode_num
@<;Get mode structure>,,,,,
@<;print width>,,,,,,,
@<;print height>,,,,,,
@<;print bpp>,,,,
Get_DX_Device_Mode_Txt ENDP
; Name: Get_DX_Device_Mode
; Desc: Returns pointer to the MODE_DESCRIPTION structure of specified mode
; If mode_num is more than number of modes returns 0.
Get_DX_Device_Mode PROC USES esi mode_num
@<;Test if mode_num is incorrect>,,,,
@<;Calculate position of modes_buffer>,,,
Get_DX_Device_Mode ENDP

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